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Comdb2 Client Protocol

Comdb2 client protocol is used between Comdb2 client and server. To start a connection the client needs to know server port which is managed by pmux. The queries and responses are sent using google protobufs https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/.

Getting database port number from pmux

Each comdb2 database uses pmux to assign port to it, and this port number is persistent for multiple database runs.
Clients ask pmux which port to connect to for specific database. The default pmux port is 5105.

To get port number of db with dbname as <dbname>, portmux accepts newline terminated string in the format:

"get comdb2/replication/<dbname>\n"

and gives back port number in 32 byte character array as reply.

Example code in Python to get database port:

def portmux_get(host, dbname):
  client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  service = "comdb2/replication/"
  command = "get " + service + dbname + "\n"
  client_socket.connect((host, 5105))
  byts = client_socket.recv(32)
  port = int(byts)
  return port

Starting the database connection

Comdb2 server expects the first line of every new connection from client to be newline terminated "newsql".
Once the client sends this a new appsock thread is started at the server side, which waits for queries from the client.
To view active appsock connections on server one can run stored procedure "exec procedure sys.cmd.send('stat thr')" using cdb2sql.
This needs to be sent only once at the start of new connection.

Example code in python:

  port = portmux_get(comdb2dbhost, comdb2dbname)
  client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  client_socket.connect(comdb2dbhost, int(port)))

Another faster way of starting database connection is by using pmux route. Pmux will route socket to database on receiving newline terminated string in format:

"rte comdb2/replication/<dbname>\n"

Example code in python:

def portmux_getsocket(host, dbname):
  client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  command = "rte comdb2/replication/" + dbname  +"\n"
  client_socket.connect((host, 5105))
  byts = client_socket.recv(32)
  port = int(byts)
  return client_socket

client_socket =  portmux_getsocket(machine, dbname)

Establishing SSL connection

A client can request the server to establish an SSL connection by sending CDB2RequestType SSLCONN in the header. The server then writes back a single character which is either 'Y' or 'N' to indicate whether the client can begin the SSL handshake. The flowchart below demonstrates the process.

Client                   Server

connect ---------------> accept
   |                          |
send SSLCONN ----------> recv SSLCONN
   |                          |
   |                     SSL configured? ---------+
   |                          |              No   |
   |                          | Yes               |
   |<------- Send 'Y' --------+                   |
   |                          |                   |
   |<------- Send 'N' --------(-------------------+
   |                          |                   |
recv 1 char -------> X        |                   X
   |          'N'             |
   | 'Y'                      |
   |                          |
ssl connect -----------> ssl accept

SQL Header

The header is 16 byte message that is sent before every request/response after the connection is established. The first 4 bytes contains information about type of request/response and the last 4 bytes have info about size. 8 bytes in the middle are not used yet.
The values in header are stored in network byte order (big endian).

example code in python:

  byts = struct.pack("!iiii",sqlquery_pb2.CDB2QUERY,0,0,size)

Executing query on server:

SQL Query Protobuf

message CDB2_FLAG {
  required int32 option = 1;
  required int32 value = 2;

enum CDB2ClientFeatures {

message CDB2_SQLQUERY {
  required string dbname = 1;
  required string sql_query = 2;
  repeated CDB2_FLAG flag = 3;
  required bool little_endian = 4;
  message bindvalue {
    required string varname = 1;
    required int32  type    = 2;
    required bytes  value   = 3;
    optional bool   isnull  = 4 [default = false];
    optional int32  index   = 5;
  repeated bindvalue bindvars = 5;
  optional string tzname = 6;
  repeated string set_flags = 7;
  repeated int32 types = 8;
  optional string mach_class = 9 [default = "unknown"];
  optional bytes cnonce = 10;
  message snapshotinfo {
    required int32  file    = 1;
    required int32  offset  = 2;
  optional snapshotinfo snapshot_info = 11; 
  optional int64 skip_rows = 12; // number of rows to be skipped, -1 (skip all rows)
  optional int32 retry = 13  [default = 0];
  // if begin retry < query retry then skip all the rows from server, if same then skip (skip_rows)
  repeated int32 features = 14; // Client can negotiate on this.

message CDB2_DBINFO {
  required string dbname = 1;
  required bool little_endian = 2;
  optional bool want_effects = 3;

message CDB2_QUERY {
  optional CDB2_SQLQUERY sqlquery = 1;
  optional CDB2_DBINFO   dbinfo = 2;
Name Description
dbname This is the database name to which query is being sent
sql_query The query to be executed
flag The client options and their values to be sent to server
little_endian This flag tells if the response column values should come in little endian or big endian format.
bindvars This contains the name, the type and pointer to the value to be bound, a faster option of binding by index is also available.
tzname Timezone of datetime fields in result set
set_flags This contains all set commands e.g. "set transaction read committed", "set timezone GMT" etc. This needs to be attached to first query and persist for the database connection.
types The data type of result set, if present it should have data type of all the resulting columns.
mach_class this option tells to which machine class does the client belongs.
cnonce Client nonce, this is to prevent replays in high availability transactions
snapshot_info This is required when retry is done in HA transaction, the information comes from server at the start of HA transaction.
skip_rows number of rows to be skipped in result set, -1 (skip all rows)
retry tells if this query is retry by client (the cnonce number should be same), if begin retry < query retry then skip all the rows from server, if same then skip (skip_rows)
features not used

Sending dbinfo request and getting database cluster information

Dbinfo Response Protobuf

    message nodeinfo {
        required string  name = 1;
        required int32   number = 2;
        required int32   incoherent = 3;
        optional int32   room = 4;
        optional int32   port = 5;
    required nodeinfo master = 1;
    repeated nodeinfo nodes  = 2;     // These are replicant nodes, we need to parse through these only.
    optional bool require_ssl = 3;

After connecting to database to get db cluster info the client has to send dbinfo request to server.
For this the client has to use the dbinfo object in a CDB2_QUERY protobuf object.
This object requires two required fields dbname and little_endian.
The SQL header is sent to server with the type and size of the request and then the dbinfo request is sent.

The server returns a dbinfo reply along with the header.
SQL header is read from server and the header type in this case is DBINFO_RESPONSE (1005).
The response from database contains information about the master nodes, all the nodes (including master), and whether SSL connections are required. The information that it contains about each node is in the table below.

Name Description
name Hostname of the db node
port Port number of the db node
number node number, or host id of the connected node (this is internal to Bloomberg)
incoherent If this flag is set, then it means that the node is incoherent
room Datacenter id of the node

Example in python:

query = sqlquery_pb2.CDB2_QUERY()
query.dbinfo.dbname = dbname
query.dbinfo.little_endian  = 0

size = query.ByteSize();
send_data = query.SerializeToString();

byts = struct.pack("!iiii",sqlquery_pb2.CDB2QUERY,0,0,size)
client_socket.send(byts) #send newsql header

response = sqlresponse_pb2.CDB2_DBINFORESPONSE()

Sending SQL query request to server:

After the connection is established with server, the client can fill the query information in the CDB2_QUERY protobuf object. To send the sql query, the client should fill in the info in the sqlquery object.
Three required fields of this object are sql_query, dbname and little_endian (all explained above).
The client has to make this object and then send a sql header to server with type as CDB2QUERY and size as object size, followed by the CDB2_QUERY protobuf object.

Example SQL Query in python:

query = sqlquery_pb2.CDB2_QUERY()
query.sqlquery.sql_query = "select 1";
query.sqlquery.dbname = "mohitdb1"
query.sqlquery.little_endian  = 0
query.sqlquery.tzname  = "America/New_York"

size = query.ByteSize();
send_data = query.SerializeToString();

byts = struct.pack("!iiii",sqlquery_pb2.CDB2QUERY,0,0,size)

SQL Query Response

Sql response Protobuf

enum CDB2_ColumnType {
    INTEGER      = 1;
    REAL         = 2;
    CSTRING      = 3;
    BLOB         = 4;
    DATETIME     = 6;
    INTERVALYM   = 7;
    INTERVALDS   = 8;
    DATETIMEUS   = 9;

enum CDB2_ErrorCodes {
    OK                 =  0;
    DUP_OLD            =  1;
    CONNECT_ERROR      = -1;
    NOTCONNECTED       = -2;

    PREPARE_ERROR      = -3;
    PREPARE_ERROR_OLD  = 1003;

    IO_ERROR           = -4;
    INTERNAL           = -5;
    NOSTATEMENT        = -6;
    BADCOLUMN          = -7;
    BADSTATE           = -8;
    ASYNCERR           = -9;
    OK_ASYNC              = -10;

    INVALID_ID              = -12;
    RECORD_OUT_OF_RANGE     = -13;

    REJECTED                = -15;
    STOPPED                 = -16;
    BADREQ                  = -17;
    DBCREATE_FAILED         = -18;

    THREADPOOL_INTERNAL     = -20;  /* some error in threadpool code */
    READONLY                = -21;

    NOMASTER                = -101;
    UNTAGGED_DATABASE       = -102;
    CONSTRAINTS             = -103;
    DEADLOCK                =  203;

    TRAN_IO_ERROR           = -105;
    ACCESS                  = -106;


    VERIFY_ERROR            = 2;
    FKEY_VIOLATION          = 3;
    NULL_CONSTRAINT         = 4;

    CONV_FAIL               = 113;
    NONKLESS                = 114;
    MALLOC                  = 115;
    NOTSUPPORTED            = 116;

    DUPLICATE               =  299;
    TZNAME_FAIL             =  401;
    UNKNOWN                 =  300;

enum ResponseHeader {
   SQL_RESPONSE    = 1002;
   SQL_EFFECTS     = 1006;
   SQL_RESPONSE_PING = 1007; // SQL_RESPONSE + requesting ack

enum ResponseType {
  LAST_ROW      = 3;
  COMDB2_INFO   = 4; // For info about features, or snapshot file/offset etc

enum CDB2ServerFeatures {

    message nodeinfo {
        required string  name = 1;
        required int32   number = 2;
        required int32   incoherent = 3;
        optional int32   room = 4;
        optional int32   port = 5;
    required nodeinfo master = 1;
    repeated nodeinfo nodes  = 2;     // These are replicant nodes, we need to parse through these only.
    optional bool require_ssl = 3;

message CDB2_EFFECTS {
    required int32 num_affected = 1;
    required int32 num_selected = 2;
    required int32 num_updated  = 3;
    required int32 num_deleted  = 4;
    required int32 num_inserted = 5;

    required ResponseType response_type=1; // enum ReponseType
    message column {
        optional CDB2_ColumnType type = 1;
        required bytes value = 2;
        optional bool isnull = 3 [default = false];  
    repeated column value=2;
    optional CDB2_DBINFORESPONSE dbinforesponse =3;
    required CDB2_ErrorCodes error_code = 4;
    optional string error_string = 5;
    optional CDB2_EFFECTS effects = 6; 
    message snapshotinfo {
        required int32 file = 1;
        required int32 offset = 2;
    optional snapshotinfo snapshot_info=7;
    // in case of retry, this will be used to identify the rows which need to be discarded
    optional uint64 row_id   = 8; 
    repeated CDB2ServerFeatures  features = 9; // This can tell client about features enabled in comdb2
Name Description
response_type Tells if the message contains information about names, values or the cluster nodes.
value Contains the column names in the case when response_type is COLUMN_NAMES and the values if its COLUMN_VALUES. The endianess of the values is decided by the little_endian flag given in query.
dbinforesponse The information about the comdb2 cluster.
error_code The error code in the case of failure of the query.
error_string The error string in the case of failure of the query.
effects This has the information of rows inserted/deleted/updated/selected for the transaction.
snapshot_info The snapshot info sent by server, this is required when retry is done in HA transaction
row_id in case of retry, this is used to identify the rows which need to be discarded (skip_rows in query)
features This can tell client about features supported in comdb2

The first response from server contains information about column names. The response type for the first response is COLUMN_NAMES.

Example in python:

firstresponse = sqlresponse_pb2.CDB2_SQLRESPONSE()
byts = client_socket.recv(16) #read newsql header
if (struct.unpack("!iiii",byts)[0] != sqlresponse_pb2.SQL_RESPONSE):
    sys.stdout.write("Invalid reply from server.\n")
size = (struct.unpack("!iiii",byts))[3]
if (firstresponse.response_type != sqlresponse_pb2.COLUMN_NAMES):
    sys.stdout.write("Invalid reply from server.\n")
if (firstresponse.error_code != sqlresponse_pb2.OK):
    sys.stdout.write("Error: rc="+str(firstresponse.error_code)+ 
    " str="+firstresponse.error_string+"\n")

The server response after the first response contains the column values. The response type for this response is COLUMN_VALUES.
This happens until the last row, in which case the response type is LAST_ROW. If the table is empty then the response that comes after COLUMN_NAMES is LAST_ROW.

Example in python:

#get first column value
response = sqlresponse_pb2.CDB2_SQLRESPONSE()
byts = client_socket.recv(16) #read newsql header
if (struct.unpack("!iiii",byts)[0] != sqlresponse_pb2.SQL_RESPONSE):
    sys.exit("Invalid reply from server.")
size = (struct.unpack("!iiii",byts))[3] 

while response.response_type == sqlresponse_pb2.COLUMN_VALUES:
if (response.error_code != sqlresponse_pb2.OK):
  sys.stdout.write("Error: rc="+str(response.error_code)+ " str="+response.error_string+"\n")
... do the work ...
size = 0     
while (size == 0):
  byts = client_socket.recv(16) #read newsql header
  size = (struct.unpack("!iiii",byts))[3] #newsql header with no data is server heartbeat

Example comdb2 python client which prints the result of query:

import socket
import struct
import sys
import sqlquery_pb2
import sqlresponse_pb2

def portmux_get(host, dbname):
  client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  service = "comdb2/replication/"
  command = "get " + service + dbname  +"\n"
  client_socket.connect((host, 5105))
  byts = client_socket.recv(32)
  port = int(byts)
  return port

if len(sys.argv) != 4:
    print "Run with the following arguments"
    print sys.argv[0] + " <dbname> <machine> <query>"

dbname  = sys.argv[1]
machine = sys.argv[2]
client_query   = sys.argv[3]

port =  portmux_get(machine, dbname)
client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
client_socket.connect((machine, int(port)))

query = sqlquery_pb2.CDB2_QUERY()
query.sqlquery.sql_query = client_query;
query.sqlquery.dbname = dbname
query.sqlquery.little_endian  = 0
query.sqlquery.tzname = "America/New_York"

size = query.ByteSize();
send_data = query.SerializeToString();

byts = struct.pack("!iiii",sqlquery_pb2.CDB2QUERY,0,0,size)
client_socket.send(byts) #send newsql header

firstresponse = sqlresponse_pb2.CDB2_SQLRESPONSE()
byts = client_socket.recv(16) #read newsql header
if (struct.unpack("!iiii",byts)[0] != sqlresponse_pb2.SQL_RESPONSE):
    sys.stdout.write("Invalid reply from server.\n")
size = (struct.unpack("!iiii",byts))[3]
if (firstresponse.response_type != sqlresponse_pb2.COLUMN_NAMES):
    sys.stdout.write("Invalid reply from server.\n")
if (firstresponse.error_code != sqlresponse_pb2.OK):
    sys.stdout.write("Error: rc="+str(firstresponse.error_code)+ 
    " str="+firstresponse.error_string+"\n")
#get first column value
response = sqlresponse_pb2.CDB2_SQLRESPONSE()
byts = client_socket.recv(16) #read newsql header
if (struct.unpack("!iiii",byts)[0] != sqlresponse_pb2.SQL_RESPONSE):
    sys.exit("Invalid reply from server.")
size = (struct.unpack("!iiii",byts))[3] 

while response.response_type == sqlresponse_pb2.COLUMN_VALUES:
  if (response.error_code != sqlresponse_pb2.OK):
    sys.stdout.write("Error: RC="+str(response.error_code)+ 
    " str="+response.error_string+"\n")
  i = 0
  for column in response.value:
       if (i > 0) : 
         sys.stdout.write(", ")
       if (column.isnull== True):
       elif (firstresponse.value[i].type == sqlresponse_pb2.INTEGER):
         vallong = struct.unpack("!q", column.value)[0]
       elif (firstresponse.value[i].type == sqlresponse_pb2.REAL):
         valreal = struct.unpack("!d", column.value)[0]
       elif (firstresponse.value[i].type == sqlresponse_pb2.DATETIME):
         datetime = struct.unpack("!iiiiiiiiiI36s", column.value)
                          str(datetime[9]).zfill(3)+ " " +datetime[10]+"\"")
       elif (firstresponse.value[i].type == sqlresponse_pb2.DATETIMEUS):
         datetime = struct.unpack("!iiiiiiiiiI36s", column.value)
                          " " +datetime[10]+"\"")
       elif (firstresponse.value[i].type == sqlresponse_pb2.INTERVALDS):
         intervalds = struct.unpack("!iIIIII", column.value)
         sign = ""
         if (intervalds[0] < 0):
             sign = "-"
         sys.stdout.write("\""+sign+ str(intervalds[1]) + " " +
       elif (firstresponse.value[i].type == sqlresponse_pb2.INTERVALDSUS):
         intervalds = struct.unpack("!iIIIII", column.value)
         sign = ""
         if (intervalds[0] < 0):
             sign = "-"
         sys.stdout.write("\""+sign+ str(intervalds[1]) + " " +
       elif (firstresponse.value[i].type == sqlresponse_pb2.BLOB):
       i = i + 1
  size = 0     
  while (size == 0):
    byts = client_socket.recv(16) #read newsql header
    size = (struct.unpack("!iiii",byts))[3] #newsql header with no data is server heartbeat

Resetting the connection:

If your connection goes in an unknown transactional state, you can reuse the connection by sending CDB2RequestType RESET in SQL header. This will reset the client state on server.

Example in python:

  byts = struct.pack("!iiii",sqlquery_pb2.RESET,0,0,0)

High Availability Implementation

To support High Availability, the client protocol supports optional snapshot_info field which can be used to start transaction with the snapshot of the database at particular lsn. There are three more fields which are used to support high availability: cnonce, skip_rows and retry.

  message snapshotinfo {
    required int32  file    = 1;
    required int32  offset  = 2;
  optional snapshotinfo snapshot_info = 11;
  optional bytes cnonce = 10;
  optional int64 skip_rows = 12; // number of rows to be skipped, -1 (skip all rows)
  optional int32 retry = 13  [default = 0];

cnonce is client generated value which is used to uniquely identify a transaction. The field skip_rows tells number of rows to be skipped before server can start sending results to client, and retry tells retry attempts of the transaction.

Once the server detects that statements are being run in High Availability mode (sql.html#set-hasql), it starts sending snapshot info of transaction in its response to the client.

To handle disconnects from server in case of no client transaction the client can resend the statement by setting cnonce field along with additional snapshot_info and skip_row fields, if client has already read some rows. For write statements, if the previous try had already committed before disconnect then the server will resend previous value of CDB2_EFFECTS, otherwise server will run the statement. For read statements, the server will use snapshot info to get database snapshot and skips the number of rows its asked to, before sending results to client.

For sql statements inside client transaction, the client saves every protobuf it sends to the server after begin statement. If the disconnect happens at the start of transaction just after begin statement but before getting snapshot info from server, the client can restart the transaction again by resending begin statement. If the disconnect happens in the middle of transaction, the client can restart the transaction by sending begin statement with same cnonce, snapshot info of transaction (which it got from server) and retry value which is one more than its previous value. After begin statement, the client resends all but the last statement protobufs that it had previously sent in transaction and then sends last statement with retry value same as begin statement and skip_rows as the number of rows it had already read from that statement. The client can then continue with the transaction by sending rest of the statements with same retry number as was used in begin statement. * If the disconnect happens at the time of commit, the client first tries to resend commit, with same cnonce, if client gets successful response with CDB2_EFFECTS then that means the transaction has already committed. However, if client gets an error from server, then the client can restart the transaction like the previous case.